What is Halal?
ما هو الحلال؟

Halal Slaughter Process (ذبح شرعي)

The process of making meat Halal (حلال) involves Dhabihah (ذبیحہ), a specific method of slaughter outlined by Islamic law. For an animal to be Halal, the following steps must be adhered to:

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1. Tasmiyah (تسمیہ) – Before slaughtering, it is obligatory to say Bismillah Allahu Akbar (بسم الله الله أكبر), invoking the name of Allah.
2. Slaughtering (ذبح) – The animal must be slaughtered by cutting the trachea (حلقوم), esophagus (مري), and the jugular veins (الأوردة الوداجية) in a swift action. This ensures that the blood is drained out of the body, as consuming blood is prohibited (حرام).
3. The Person Slaughtering – The individual performing the slaughter must be a Muslim of sound mind and faith, following the proper Islamic procedures.
4. Hand-Slaughtered Only: Meat that has been hand-slaughtered according to Islamic guidelines.

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